If you live in St. Louis City and you’re 60 and older or 18 and older with a disability, we may be able to help with the delivery of grocery, household, and personal hygiene items! Here are the easy steps to our delivery program:

  • Make your shopping list! You can use this service for household, personal hygiene, and grocery items. Shopping is available from Aldi, Schnucks, and Walmart.
  • Call 314-664-1008 ext. 107 M-F between 10am-2pm and ask for Aisha.
  • Place your order and schedule your delivery. Get your credit/debit/EBT card ready to provide your payment over the phone!
  • Receive your order at your doorstep.

Keep in mind, this program is for individuals that experience difficulty leaving their home. We offer weekly trips to various grocery stores for those able to shop on their own! Visit 5starcc.org/calendar to see our upcoming grocery trips.

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Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm

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